Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wine 101 – Meritage

Meritage (pronounced like heritage), a combination of “merit” and “heritage” is the trademarked name for a wine that is a blend of two or more Bordeaux grape varieties – for reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Petit Verot, St. Macaire, Gros Verdot and Carmenere; for whites: Savignon Blanc, Semillon and Sauvignon Vert. The reason for this label is because there were many vintners who wanted to label their wines something besides “table wine.” The Meritage Association was formed in 1988 and soon after “meritage” became another term for wines that contain less than 75% of a single grape variety. Each member winery may release only 25,000 cases if “meritage” wines a year. If the label doesn't have a varietal on it, then you can assume it is either a "meritage" or "table wine". The term “table wine” is still used by many wineries but it is usually not the highest quality. Where as the term “meritage” wines represents the highest level of quality. "Meritages" usually have great fruit forward flavors due to the different combinations of grape varietals. So pick up a bottle of “meritage” wine today!


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