Yesterday Meg had her last surgery of this long and tough road back to normal. Well, what is normal now, but I think you know what I mean. Anyway, this surgery was the last major phase of the reconstruction. She will still have another minor procedure in a few weeks, but she will not have to go under anesthesia again. Dr. Fabian said she did great and that everything he wanted to do he was able to do. This means that she should not have any visible scars on her breasts once she is all healed and the finial steps are complete. I know that will make her feel good and help with her mind set once this is all over. She is currently home resting but plans on going back to work maybe as early as Wednesday. She will be playing that by ear, but that should tell you that she is feeling pretty good even if it has only been 24 hours or so since her surgery. She is tough and determined to not let this limit her life. I am very proud of her strength and determination and in awe of her will to get back to normal life. It will be a couple of weeks before she can start exercising again and she looks forward to that day, but until then she will be taking it easy and letter her body heal. Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers throughout this entire process and for our families who have been tremendous through the entire ordeal. We love you all!
Yay Meg! We are so proud of you and hope you are feeling okay and getting some rest. We love you!
kelly & Spencer
Go Meg go. Alan you are so tough, I am proud of you both.
Meg and Alan--That is wonderful news!! Julie and the girls and I are so thrilled that you handled this whole ordeal so well. You will never know how many prayers were sent your way, but I am sending up another prayer of thanks right now. We are celebrating you and the boys right now! I can't wait to see you! John, Julie, ZK, and Anna
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