Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tonsillectomy plus some

Yesterday my oldest son, Mac, had minor surgery. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed while also getting tubes in his ears. It is a pretty common procedure and a lot of kids have this done while they are young. Everything went well during the operation, but he had some trouble getting over the anesthesia. The procedure was done by 9am by since he had trouble waking up and drinking; we had to stay until around 9pm. But now he is doing well for the day after. He is drinking a lot of juice and yogurt drinks as well as eating a lot of ice-cream sandwiches. We are watching a lot of movies and just taking it easy. He was a very brave boy and I am proud of how he handled things. Also, this will help him tremendously with his sleeping and hopefully he won’t get sick as much. He should be back to his old self before Christmas. Here is Mac with Henry just a few days ago at a North Carolina cabin.

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