Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving post

This year we are going to break with our normal tradition of having Thanksgiving lunch with my family and dinner with Meg’s family. This year we are going to travel down to the beach with most of Meg’s family. We are going to miss seeing everyone in my family, but they understand. I don’t think they would turn down a trip to the beach this time of year either! Especially since it has gotten really chilly here and it had been raining for a couple of days. So, I am posting this entry a few days early since I am not sure if I will have (or want) Internet access. Since I will not be on the computer for a few days I will go ahead and lay out the things I am thankful for:

Meg winning her battle, Meg had an incredibly tough year and had the fight of her life. But she looked Breast Cancer in the face and kicked it ass! She will never be the same as she was pre cancer but she is close to being back to where she was physically before the disease. She still has a few procedures to endure, but for the most part, it is over. Now she just has to get used to having to have doctors appointments every 3 months or so for the next 5 years. She is truly an amazing woman and I could not be prouder of her and the courage she displayed.

My boys, I have said it before and I am sure I will say it again. I have the best kids! They are so sweet and generous, they are smart and intuitive and two of the funniest kids I have ever seen. I just wish they wouldn’t grow up as fast as they are. I am so lucky to have such great kids and even luckier that they want to spend time with me.

Our families, without them there is no way Meg and I could have managed all of her treatments, work, school and family life. Both sides have been incredible and have been there every step of the way. We really appreciate them and love them all dearly.

Our Friends have also been there when we needed them. From the meals, cards, flowers, visits along with all of their thoughts and prayers, they have helped us out so much. We are very lucky to have a great group of friends.

Our Troops, they are out there fighting for our country and our beliefs. Not everyone agrees on the war, but they need to support those fighting for us. Please keep them in mind over the holidays since they will be away from their families and loved ones.

My job, in these tough economic times, I am very thankful that both Meg and I have our jobs. There are a lot of people out there without employment and it might get worse before it gets better. I don't have the best job in the world, but I do have one and I am thankful for that.

I hope every one has a safe a joyous holiday. Enjoy the time with family and friends, enjoy a nice Thanksgiving meal and a good glass of wine, and maybe relax and watch a good football game or two. I know I will!


Anonymous said...

Well Said!

Kim said...

The Youmans are thankful for you all too! I don't care what Jim says. :)