Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Henry’s 1st Haircut

Well, we prolonged it as long as we could. We knew that once we gave Henry his first real haircut, then he wouldn’t be a baby any more. He had a couple of stray hairs clipped before, but not a full, official haircut. So, he was rocking a serious baby mullet with some wild side curls. We both thought it was cute, but we agreed that it had gotten out of hand. So last Saturday we decided to go get both of the boy’s haircuts. Mac is an old pro by now and we had him go first so Henry could see that everything was going to be OK. Well, Henry loved to see Mac sitting in the chair and was curious by what was going on. But when it was his turn, he didn’t want anything to do with it! I put him up in the chair and he was fine until the lady tried to put the cape on him, then he started crying and didn’t stop until I picked him up after it was all over. I actually had to hold his hands and arms down while she did the scissor work. Even though he was crying hysterically, we knew if I picked him up he would never allow us to sit him back down. So everyone in the room had to endure his screaming and crying. But once it was all over, he was back to being the happy little guy that is always is. Now he is officially a little boy and not a baby. It was hard on all of us, but I guess they can’t stay babies forever. Here are a few pictures; before, during, and after.


Anonymous said...

I like the shirt. That kind of looked like me crying after the Alabama game.

Kim said...

so handsome