Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunday Sales Approved! Almost!

Legislation allowing voters to approve Sunday sales of beer, wine and liquor in stores easily passed a House committee this week as it began what is expected to be a relatively easy trip through the chamber on its way to Gov. Nathan Deal's desk.

The House Regulated Industries Committee voted 15-1 to pass the bill, which is expected to be approved by the full chamber next week. The committee vote came less than a week after the Senate approved SB 10. The measure had been stalled in the chamber for five years. Sen. John Bullock, R-Ochlocknee, sponsor of SB 10, called it a "local control and democracy" bill.

Gov. Nathan Deal has already said he will sign the legislation if it wins final approval. If that happens, the issue could be on the ballot in some communities this fall. Georgians in many communities can already buy alcoholic beverages at restaurants and bars on Sunday.


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