Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving in Breckenridge!

I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing thanksgiving. We went out to Colorado for Thanksgiving with Meg’s family. We rented a huge house and all of her family was there for the week. I was able to hit the slopes three days and the snow was great for being so early in the season. I have never been snowboarding or skiing this early in the year and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Even though the entire mountain wasn’t open, the snow was still pretty good. On Wednesday, about 5 inches of fresh powder fell and that really made the conditions fun, but it also came with 30-40 mph winds which was not fun. But once you got off the lifts and down the mountain some, the winds weren’t that bad.

View of the town of Breckenridge from the slopes with some peaks in the background

Overall, the riding was good even though I did take a pretty nasty spill on Friday and I am still feeling the affects on my body. I am still pretty sore and have a few bruises, but luckily nothing was broken. That is what I get for thinking I am better on the board than I really am! My cell phone actually went flying in the middle of my wipe out and I didn’t realize that I had lost it until I was back on a lift over to another peak. I thought for sure it was gone forever, but a nice lady found it and called my father-in-law (he was the last person to all me that day) about an hour later. I was able to meet up with her and get my phone back. It is nice to know there are still kind people out there and she saved me a good deal of time and money to get a new phone and all my data back.

Even though we took our camera, we really didn’t pull it out much. We are not good at taking pictures but we did manage to snap a few here and there.
Here are the boys in their loft. They loved climbing the ladder and playing in the loft in our bedroom. Unfortunately due to the altidude, they had trouble sleeping and would wake up several times and come down and get in the bed with us. By the way, that loft was only about 5 feet tall!

Here is Meg and I on the Claimjumper trail on Peak 8

Here I am with a cold one! Apre ski is my second favorite thing about snowboarding! A very close second!

Here is the view up peak 8 at the end of the day while we enjoy the apre ski portion of the day!

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