Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Sorry that I have been slacking on the posts!  It has been a really busy spring with work, school and travels so I haven't had time to make updates to the blog.  Soon I will make posts on all or some of the following topics:

Spring Break
Disney Cruise
Henry losing teeth
Kids soccer season
The Hangout Festival
End of the school year
Kids Swim team

There are some other topics that I probably won't make posts about since the timing has come an gone like Georgia's spring practice, The Players Championship, the Tiger vs. Sergio feud (that might come back up after Sergio's dumb comments on 5/21!), The faltering arms of the Braves pitching staff, Beckham's retirement and other topics that I have missed.

Again, I apologize about being missing in action, I hope to get back in to the habit of posting regularly soon! 

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