Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

If you haven’t already heard, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It seems that every one everywhere is doing their part to help raise awareness and money for breast cancer research. I love to see all of the different companies, restaurants, and events that are raising money for research. So please try to do your part to help, do a walk or sponsor some one who is walking, buy products that contribute to the Susan G. Koman fund, or eat at an establishment that will contribute a portion of their sales. Every little bit helps and every dollar raised will move us one step closer to finding a cure.

Here are two of the walks that will happen in Atlanta this month.

Breast Cancer 3-Day in Atlanta Oct 24th-26th
Please help support our friends that are walking in honor of Meg and other friends or family that have been affected by breast cancer.
Kelly’s page
Sarah’s page
Gina's page

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer October 25th
This is another walk going on the same weekend but is not quite as intense. Due to the fact that Meg is going to have another surgery the week before these walks, we decided to walk the shorter walk with some family and friends. This is a 3-mile walk and is family friendly. If you would like to join our team or make a donation, please see the link below. http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/MakingStridesAgainstBreastCancer/MSABCFY09SouthAtlantic/307759962?pg=team&fr_id=11736&team_id=349356

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